Refrain your heart from thinking fear and never allow your heart wander that you are alone!
Look around you and see how much help that has encamped and surrounded you! For never will you say i have no help for the lord has become unto you an umpire of peace and fortress and he has caused men to surround you like a cloak that you may not slip in your steps!
In the face of contrary situation, you are not stranded and do not worry either !!!
In the heaviness of those burdens, live carefree in the care of God! His power makes things light!
For help has come and will always come for you
John 10:10
''The thief cometh not but to steal, kill and destroy, But I (Jesus) have come that you may have life and have it in abundance''
The reason people die and will always die was because of what Adam did in the beginning, he ate the fruit in the garden of Eden which results to all of this calamities and troubles up and down.
By Ojewola John
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