The song Jesus No One Like You is a track on the Album titled The Name of Jesus which contains five songs lifting up the Name of Jesus. This song speaks of the uniqueness and holiness of our Father, God and King. You can find and see people of similar character and personality, but for my King Jesus, He is in a class all by Himself, Holy and set apart. That’s why we say, There is no one like Him.
Dupsy Oyeneyin is a born-again Christian, a wife, mother, passionate working-class professional, worship leader and songwriter all rolled into one by the grace and mercy of God. She has released five albums, the latest titled, The Name of Jesus and is also the Convener of the annual Foretaste Concert, which was birthed in 2014 with the vision to gather people together in pure heavenly atmosphere of worship, where they are able to connect with God causing divine direction, alignment, guidance for life and establishment of divine order.
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