Today's Prayer Points July 3rd
BIBLE VERSESProv 14 vs 19;
Isaiah 43 vs 16-20,
Psalm 40 vs 1-3
Rev 21 vs 1,5,6
Job 14 vs 7-9
Thank you lord for another wonderful day
Praise and worship 20 min
Prayer Points
1. I command all negative situations to bow in my life for a new thing to happen in Jesus name
2. Self advertising/ announcing miracles of God manifest in my life daily
3. I prophecy new things to begin in my life this week
4. Every area of reproach in my life o lord by your mercy turn it into testimony
5. That event that will change my lamentation into celebration manifest in Jesus name
6. By royal remembrance I move into my season of testimony and new song
7. Any thing that needed to be corrected in my life for a new thing to happen let the finger of God correct it now
8. Any force around me resisting a new thing in my life I challenge you with the blood of Jesus
9. From every disappointment that I have ever experienced oh lord give a double portion of blessing
10. I wear a new garment of favor, mercy ,joy and gladness in Jesus name
Thank you lord for answer prayers in Jesus name
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